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Get to Know Me

Fully-certified since 2012, I’ve been successfully coaching female clients globally and throughout the U.K, facilitating their fitness journey, nutritional understanding and self-growth.


Personal training isn't just about the time spent exercising, it’s about enjoying what you do and finding what works best for YOU, that's why is called 'personal'.

I am female specialist working with women from all walks of life for different reasons. Some want to feel fitter, more confident in themselves and others for rehabilitation in specifically low impact training.
You CAN have high intensity workouts without running and jumping as these can cause pressure and impact on our joints, especially if we have not got the correct technique and activation. Core activation, posture and weight loss are all areas I love to delve right into, our bodies change as we grow older and its not a case of eat less move more especially for women.

We have different stressors, hormones, emotional excess that we carry, consciously or unconsciously and I work together with each of my lovely ladies to work through an individualised training plan that works for THEM.

I adore what I do for a living and feel so thankful that I am excited to see every one of my clients become empowered, confident, fit and healthy women.


Qualified in Core Restore and Post Partum training and Nutrition, Peri and Post-Menopausal Training and Nutrition and having my life coaching diploma I feel helps equip me to help women through not only their training, but how to deal with things life throws at them.

My goal is to provide the highest quality of training in order to respond to women’s needs and issues throughout their life cycle. Evaluate and treat joint dysfunction, muscle tightness, weakness or imbalance in muscle groups, and nerve entrapment- all potential signs of pelvic pain. 

The goal is to use minimally invasive techniques and exercises to improve quality of life for women through a range of improvements from increased continence to decreased pain. To give you control over your body, reduce the use of medications and prevent the possible need for surgery.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by exercise and life’s demands, my services aim to introduce self-motivation, knowledge and clarity on how and when to exercise in a way that's best suited to YOU.

I also teach techniques to better manage the emotional stress of everyday life, quick wins on your daily movement and exercise goals, nutritional choices and more.

About Me: About Me
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